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The George Mateljan Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation with no commercial interests or
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The George Mateljan Healthy Way of Eating


Food is the key to life. It is the source of good health and energy. Eating healthy foods can benefit all of us.

One thing that can prevent us from eating the right foods is a mistaken idea that a "healthy diet" takes the enjoyment out of eating and deprives us of good taste. That's why George Mateljan has created the George Mateljan Healthy Way of Eating (The Healthy Way of Eating). The Healthy Way of Eating is a meal planning approach that emphasizes healthy, wellness-promoting foods (The World's Healthiest Foods) whose wonderful tastes will allow you to continually experience the pure joy of eating. Its principles and tools provide you with everything you need to make eating healthy foods enjoyable, convenient, easy and suited to your individual needs.

With The Healthy Way of Eating, you'll discover which of the thousands of foods are the World's Healthiest Foods. Then you'll find out how to prepare them, so they maintain their full nutritional value and their delicious flavors. You'll also be able to have your individual lifestyle and health requirements addressed with personalized food analysis and menu plans.


George Mateljan's study of food began over 30 years ago. He wanted to know how to feel his best while maintaining the pure joy of eating. His search for answers has taken him to over 80 countries around the world. He studied foods wherever healthy people live long lives. He tasted Russian borscht, Bulgarian yogurt, Hunza apricots and Mediterranean fish, vegetables, fruits and pasta. By traveling around the world, George discovered which foods are the world's healthiest, and he learned how to prepare them so that they are full of flavor.

As he made his discoveries, George would share the information with others by writing and publishing books. Over the years, he has published five books that have been read and used by millions of people.

After over 30 years of studying and then listening to feedback from people who have read and used the information in his books, George discovered that there are basic things health-conscious people want and need in order to make eating healthy foods their regular way of eating. George subsequently dedicated himself to developing The World's Healthiest Foods website which features information and tools that can help people easily follow the principles of The Healthy Way of Eating.


As more and more people have experienced how nutrient-rich foods, like the World's Healthiest Foods, can help them look and feel their best, the popularity of these foods has skyrocketed. Additionally, due to higher consumer demand, increased availability and the entry of some large-scale foods manufacturers into the natural and organic foods marketplace, prices of these foods have been steadily dropping, creating another factor that has made these foods more accessible and, subsequently, even more popular.


The basic principles of The Healthy Way of Eating are:

  1. You have to know how to choose the most nutritious foods.
  2. You have to know how to prepare them the healthy way using the right recipes to enjoy the full flavors.
  3. You have to select foods and recipes to meet your individual needs.

How to Choose the Most Nutritious Foods

There are thousands of foods in the world, and all of them have some nutrients. The World's Healthiest Foods, however, are those that are the most nutrient-dense, and therefore are the ones that should be emphasized in a person's diet.

Nutrient-density is a measure of the amount of nutrients a food contains in comparison with the number of calories it has. The higher the level of nutrients compared to the number of calories, the more nutrient-dense a food is. By eating the World's Healthiest Foods, you'll get all the essential nutrients that you need for excellent health, including vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, fiber and more. Visit Foods and Spices for a complete list of the World's Healthiest Foods and detailed information about each food.

To determine which foods are the healthiest and most nutrient-dense, two standards were used. First, George discovered the World's Healthiest Foods through his travels and studies. Then these foods had to meet stringent scientific criteria for nutritional excellence. Studies demonstrating the health benefits of nutrient-dense foods have been conducted for many years, and recently, more advanced methods of scientific analysis have revealed the biochemical mechanisms behind these beneficial actions, so the selection of the World's Healthiest Foods is based on scientific data not guesswork or personal opinion. Our Food and Recipe Rating System provides an explanation of the methods used to rate foods and recipes.

How to Prepare Foods the Healthy Way Using the Right Recipes to Enjoy their Full Flavors

To enjoy both the taste and nutritional benefits of the World's Healthiest Foods, you have to prepare them properly. Healthy cooking methods enable you to maximize the flavor and texture of food, as well as its nutritional value. Cooking foods for too long or at too high a heat can destroy their wonderful flavors, as well as their beneficial vitamins and antioxidants. At the same time, too much heat can result in the production of harmful compounds such as free radicals and trans-fats. To make it easy for you to learn the right cooking methods, The World's Healthiest Foods website offers an In Home Healthy Cooking School where quick and easy techniques such as Healthy Sauté, Healthy Stir Fry, and Healthy Baking are demonstrated. With these cooking techniques, you'll be able to prepare healthy foods that taste delicious, regardless of how much cooking experience you have.

The World's Healthiest Foods are not only nutrient-dense, they're also some of the world's best tasting foods. To maintain their wonderful tastes, George Mateljan has created recipes for the World's Healthiest Foods that do not overpower their unique flavors. Instead, each recipe is a flavor adventure that lets you discover new ways to experience the great natural tastes of these foods. In creating healthy recipes, George recognized that they not only had to bring out all the nutrition and good taste in the ingredients, they also had to be fast, easy to prepare and fun to make. That's why you'll find that most recipes in The Healthy Way of Eating take 30 minutes or less to make. George understands that eating the healthy way has to be convenient and fit the time schedules of today's busy lifestyles. Good Tasting Healthy Recipes provides dozens of healthy recipes each with detailed directions for preparation and tips to make sure your meals are a success.

Select Foods and Recipes to Meet your Individual Needs

The George Mateljan Healthy Way of Eating doesn't try to fit everyone into the same "food formula." It respects individuality. It recognizes that we all have our own personal needs and concerns, as well as our unique tastes, schedules, and lifestyles. To this end, this website has unique tools that will help you meet your own personal dietary needs.

Using the World's Healthiest Foods website can also help you understand how your nutritional needs change and how to fulfill them. For example, both a middle-aged mother who is experiencing menopausal symptoms and her teenaged daughter who is just beginning her first menstrual cycle must adjust to the changes their bodies are undergoing. Yet the changes are different, and so are the nutritional adjustments needed. That's why for both males and females of different ages, ethnic backgrounds, and geographic areas, this website offers personalized analyses of nutritional needs and how to fulfill them. Food Advisor provides you with a personal analysis and recommends nutrients, foods and recipes tailored to your individual needs.


Studies have found that populations whose diets feature significant amounts of certain foods have a significantly lower risk of developing many chronic degenerative diseases, including, but not limited to, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes mellitus, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis:disease, and depression. In fact, five of the top ten causes of death in the United States are associated with the Standard American Diet. An ever-growing body of research has brought both scientists and nutritionists to propose that we can significantly decrease morbidity and mortality, and dramatically improve our chances of living a longer, healthier more vibrant life, simply by eating healthier foods.

So, what distinguishes a health-promoting diet from one that does not support health and vitality? Research shows that diets featuring foods such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes and fish, in short, the World's Healthiest Foods, are not only associated with lower risks of diseases, but also support healthy aging, giving us the power to promote our own health and longevity.

Scientific research has shown how the nutrients in which the World's Healthiest Foods are dense are the key elements that allow our bodies to perform the myriad activities necessary to keep our selves both physically and mentally at our peak. These foods can help us to look and feel our best as well as provide long-term health benefits, including reducing the risk of health problems. Interestingly, it seems that it may not just be the individual nutrients themselves, but how they synergistically interact in whole foods, like the World's Healthiest Foods, that gives these foods their healing potential.

Foods Emphasized

The Healthy Way of Eating emphasizes nutrient-rich foods, such as The World's Healthiest Foods, all of which are commonly found everyday foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean meats, fish, olive oil, herbs and spices. In addition to being a storehouse of nutrients, these foods are also whole foods (in contrast to adulterated or refined) foods, real foods complete with all their rich natural endowment of nutrients. They have not been highly processed nor do they contain synthetic, artificial or irradiated ingredients. And whenever possible, The Healthy Way of Eating emphasizes organically grown foods, since they not only promote your health, but also the health of our planet. Researchers are looking more and more to the concept of nutrient richness as a way to evaluate food quality. In fact, in parts of Europe, food products wanting to make simple packaging claims (like provides fiber) may soon have to pass a preliminary test involving their overall nutrient richness before being allowed to make packaging claims about an individual nutrient.

Foods Avoided

The Healthy Way of Eating avoids foods that are nutrient sparse, foods that are low in nutrients but high in calories; these foods give you very little in terms of nutrition, but use up a lot of your day's calories. Additionally, highly processed foods as well as foods that contain synthetic chemical additives are also avoided in The Healthy Way of Eating.

Nutrient Excesses/Deficiencies

The World's Healthiest Foods are among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet! Consequently, this diet provides sufficient amounts of all essential vitamins and minerals. Because The Healthy Way of Eating is based on these foods, the diet is naturally low in calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol.

Who Benefits

Anyone presently consuming the Standard American Diet, which is based on processed and fast-foods, will benefit from eating more of the World's Healthiest Foods.

Who is Harmed

Assuming a sufficient amount of calories are eaten to maintain body weight and provide energy for physical activity, The Healthy Way of Eating does not pose risk to anyone.

It takes just one week of using a menu plan from The Healthy Way of Eating for the body to begin to exhibit the many nutritional benefits of eating the World's Healthiest Foods. After just 7 days, you will have more energy and feel better and more alive. After you try a menu plan and like the results, you'll find a new recipe every day that fits the weather and the availability of different foods, and lets you enjoy the wonderful tastes of the healthy foods that are in season. Visit the Feel Great in 7 Days Menu Plan for an example of a 7 day Menu Planner.



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