Supplement Combos You Should Never Take Together 

Discover the supplement combinations that could harm your health. Learn which pairings to avoid and why, so you can take charge of your wellness safely. 

Combining calcium and iron supplements? Think twice! Calcium blocks iron absorption, reducing its effectiveness. Take them at different times of the day. 

Calcium + Iron

Vitamin C can break down vitamin B12 in your gut, leaving you with lower levels of B12. Avoid pairing these two in high doses. 

Vitamin C + Vitamin B12

Magnesium and calcium compete for absorption, making both less effective. Space them out for better results. 

Magnesium + Calcium 

Zinc supplements can deplete your body’s copper levels, leading to deficiencies. Balance is key when taking these two. 

Zinc + Copper 

Both thin your blood, increasing the risk of bleeding when taken together. Proceed with caution. 

Fish Oil + Ginkgo Biloba 

Vitamin K can counteract blood thinners, making them less effective. Always consult your doctor before mixing. 

Vitamin K + Blood Thinner

Green tea extract can hinder iron absorption, especially from plant-based sources. Time their intake wisely. 

Iron + Green Tea Extract

Antibiotics kill probiotics, rendering them useless. Take probiotics a few hours after antibiotics. 

Probiotics + Antibiotics 

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before mixing supplements. Your health deserves a personalized approach.