7 Fiber Fruits for Constipation

Struggling with constipation? These fiber-rich fruits can provide natural relief by promoting digestion and improving gut health. Discover the best fruits that ease constipation and help keep things moving. 


Apples are packed with soluble fiber, particularly pectin, which helps regulate bowel movements. Their high water content also keeps things hydrated, making them a great choice for relieving constipation.


Pears are an excellent source of fiber, particularly in the skin. Their high water content also helps soften stools, making them one of the most effective fruits for relieving constipation. 


Prunes, or dried plums, are well-known for their ability to relieve constipation. They contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that naturally softens stools and promotes regular bowel movements. 


Oranges are a rich source of both fiber and vitamin C. Their fiber content promotes healthy digestion, while the vitamin C aids in the absorption of nutrients and supports overall gut health. 


Figs are an excellent source of fiber and are known for their natural laxative effects. They help soften stools and improve digestion, making them ideal for those struggling with constipation. 


Mangoes are rich in both fiber and water content, helping to soften stools and promote smooth digestion. They also contain vitamin A, which supports gut health and digestion. 


Peaches are rich in fiber and water, both of which support regular bowel movements. They also contain antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. 

Relieve constipation naturally by adding these fiber-packed fruits to your daily diet. Visit our full article for more details on how these fruits can improve your gut health and promote regularity.